Saturday, September 14, 2013

Author Spotlight - Allyson Gottlieb: Recap

This was a great week. Allyson was super amazing. If you missed all the goodies we had to offer your in luck. I'm going to recap the entire week right here.

Day 1: Cover, Blurb, Excerpt, Giveaway Day 1 was all about the book. Book cover, book blurb, book excerpt. I love the cover of this book. It's mysterious and draws you in because you want to know what it holds inside. I, also, thought the excerpt was excellent and I'm really glad she chose that one to share with everyone.

Day 2: Author Bio & Interview Day 2 was all about the author. I had a bio and interview with Allyson. We learned when she started writing, her favorite authors and what she'd take with her if she was abducted by aliens.

Day 3: Top 10 Day 3 had a little more insight to Allyson by revealing her Top 5 favorite male characters and Top 5 favorite female characters. I know this is really hard to do. I think it would take me a while to figure this one out. She did great! (Plus, one of MY favorite male characters was included, so I was super stoked!)

Day 4: Playlist & Book Trailer Day 4 we got Tamara's playlist and reasons why these songs were chosen. We also got to see the book trailer for DARKEST LEGACY. These two a great insights to the Tamara and her story.

Day 5: Cast Photos & Bios Day 5 was all about the main characters. Tamara, Valerie and Valentine. We got flashback photos of them and little tidbits on who they are. I love seeing character photos chosen by authors.

Well, that pretty much sums up the week. Don't forget to enter the giveaway! It ends on 9/16/13, Monday night at 11:59 p.m. CST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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